While Shoden refers to `first teachings` in Reiki 1, Okuden, level 2, means
`inner or hidden teachings`. In studying Reiki 2 one hopes to promote a deeper understanding of the Reiki energy and to learn to use the Reiki symbols.
These sacred symbols were once secret and kept secret but with the increased popularity of Reiki in the west and with the growth of the internet, these symbols are no longer able to be kept hidden. In fact there are now many variations of Reiki methods and many more symbols.

The validity of the symbols however not only depends on a person being initiated into the use of them, but also that a person learns to direct a clear and focused thought in order that the power of the symbol is fully used. 

Symbols per se, are a way of communicating a specific meaning because they act as a communication shortcut. The symbol conveys a message from the sender to the recipient yet bypasses the conscious mind to trigger instead a subconscious response. It is the same with the Reiki symbols. The specific Reiki energy contained within its particular symbol along with the input of conscious intent and focus is able to be sent to the recipient where it will be received on an unconscious level.

There are three traditional symbols to Reiki 2:

Symbol 1. The Power Symbol
ChoKu Rei (Cho - koo - ray)

`Symbol 1 is used to increase the power and flow of Reiki, or to assist in focusing Reiki more intensely at a given location, or to a specific intent. The symbol can be used as an 'energy cleansing' and 'energy blessing' for food, drink, or possessions; and may be employed as a seal or amulet of protection. Some practitioners use Symbol 1 to cleanse a room of negative atmospheres; or to 'seal' a treatment`.

Chokurei essentially means; `Place the power of the universe here`.

Imagine the Chokurei symbol as literally a `switch` that will turn the Reiki energy `on` when you are ready to use it. Its spiral appearance is reminiscent of a vortex of living, flowing energy - nature`s electricity.

This Reiki Power symbol is used primarily to connect with Reiki energy at the start of a session and also to help boost the Reiki power whenever it is required during a session. Some practitioners use it on their own palms and chakras before treating others to help clear the channels and empower their hands. Using this power symbol over the client`s crown chakra helps create positive energy around them, while using it on the lower back and behind the heart chakra helps seal the energy at the end of the treatment.

CHK is an all-purpose symbol that can be used anywhere and everywhere for anything and to empower other Reiki Symbols. Drawing Cho Ku Rei on a specific part of the body helps in focusing the Reiki energies on that particular spot, helping cure or heal especially acute injuries, but also chronic conditions that have localised effects in the body.

Clear negative energies by using this symbol either mentally or actually for any stagnated energies and those accumulated in a Reiki session. Similarly, drawing it on the walls and corners of a room clears it of negative vibrations. Drawing it in the atmosphere around a physical space aids in cleansing the area.

Drawing the symbol can be physical such as with paint or a pen, or symbolic with the hand in the air. Drawing a large CHK in front of a person, or on each of their chakras works as a shield and can help to protect the person from negative energies `.
Courtesy of

The drawing of CHK can vary so use which direction feels comfortable for you. Some consider a clockwise spiral encourages an increase of energy, while anticlockwise decreases, therefore dispersing negative energies. As always do what feels right for you. Some suggest that using a double CHK in opposing directions creates a gateway of energy. Below is how I was taught and prefer to use it.

Using your middle fingers of your dominant hand, draw the Chokurei from left to right from top to bottom. The spiral should cross the centre vertical line six times and with the addition of the bottom line it will make seven times – the number of chakras in the body.

It is also good to envisage the symbol, ideally in gold or purple or as a bright white light, all of which help to boost its spiritual nature and focus its intent and power.

As Reiki is primarily used for healing, try putting a CHK in your palms before healing. Envisage or draw a CHK over your patient and end a healing session with a CHK for grounding.

As has already been mentioned, use it for yourself, drawing it onto your body for energy and protection. It is also useful to energise your chakras with.

Use it to protect and clear physical spaces or even physically draw it on paper and leave it in the room. Use it to empower food, cleanse or empower objects. Again drawing it and putting it under objects can only help boost the intended intent. To enhance this focus hold the paper in your hands while directing healing to the symbol

Try meditating by chanting `chokurei` repeatedly like a mantra, but being a single word comprised of several syllables it is known as a `Jumon` in Japan.

CHKs uses are many but always treat the Reiki power with the greatest respect and always use it for the highest good. You are a channel for its power, not the source of the power.

Remember too that the quality of the Reiki vibration can always be intensified and made more powerful by each of us becoming a more focused and clearer channel within ourselves.

Symbol 2. The Mental Emotional Symbol 
Sei Hei Ki, or Se He Ki (Say Hey Key)

`Symbol 2 is employed in the treating of mental and emotional issues, including anxiety, stress, nervousness, fear, depression and in the treating of addictions. It can also be used to help with the release of 'wound memories' - 'emotional body armour'. Some practitioners use the symbol to help improve memory recall; and it can be employed as s tool for de-programming inappropriate responses to given events and situations, as well as in the programming for positive habits and responses...`

Sei HeKi means; `God and humanity become One`, compassion with healing, emotional spiritual calmness.`

This symbol acts on a person`s conscious and subconscious mind the mental and emotional body. SHK is used primarily for emotional and mental healing; clearing issues, the purification of stuck patterns of behaviour, protection and inner balancing.

It is now far more widely acknowledged that most of our physical ailments are caused by mental and emotional imbalances in our bodies. So the use of SHK helps in bringing an inner problem to the surface in order to liberate the emotional and mental issues that are its cause.

This symbol also aids in balancing the left and right side of the brain to help promote peace and harmony. It can be used to draw gentle and subtle energies required to ease the feelings of sorrow or suffering. The SHK aids in restoring emotional and psychological balance in a person`s body to help promote a deeper healing.

The use of this Reiki symbol helps in eliminating unwanted or bad habits such as alcoholism, smoking cigarettes or overeating. Visualizing or drawing this Reiki symbol around you can help in changing your negative beliefs, negative parental or social conditioning to assist you in becoming a more positive person.

To draw SHK around your surroundings and the people involved in a troubled relationship can bring about the wisdom and strength to sort out problems amicably.

Affirmations are powerful tools that can play a vital role in helping you to achieve your goal successfully, repeating the name of SHK mentally can help in empowerment of your affirmations that will help you accomplish your goals.

If you write down affirmations draw the symbol on the paper as well drawing SHK around you, this not only helps to protect you or the affirmation from any negative vibrations but it will allow the positive energies in. As mentioned it is also called the protection symbol and can be used as a protective shield during purification ceremonies by helping to remove negative energy from the physical body or from within the aura. In medical settings this symbol tends to work as an `antiseptic ointment` when used before, during or after an operation.

SHK can be beneficial in improving your memory, using this Reiki symbol on the pages of your book can help you memorize the content while reading or studying. You can also draw the SHK in front of you and ask for assistance to locate lost objects. Visualizing the symbol on top of your head can help you remember things that you might have forgotten; such as your keys, the name of a person, an answer for test, or just about anything else. This works because of the connections this symbol makes in and between the two hemispheres of the brain`. Drawing double opposing SHKs whether facing or back to back or upside down, is said to symbolize both sides of the brain and should help in balancing out both hemispheres`.

Below is how to draw the Seiheiki. As described before it can be invoked and drawn on the person, in the air, in the mind, on paper or in any other medium.
But as always it is the focus and intent that matters. Envisaging it in gold, purple, healing blue or spiritual white will always help to raise the intent and its healing vibration. Repeat its name three times, mentally or out loud as you do so.

This is the symbol to use when there are relationship difficulties. Draw it mentally in the air between you. If a client is struggling emotionally, use it at that point in their process.

The SHK is the symbol to use to help us all to break free from patterns of behaviour that affect us negatively.

Writing down a description of one`s own or another person`s stuck conditioned behaviour and drawing the SHK over it can help towards the healing of such blockages.

Understanding that we are who we have been `programmed` to be can help us break free from this stuck thinking which can keep us imprisoned in difficult life situations. The books by Louise L Hay and more recently Alice Steadman help to reveal more about how when we repress our emotions we create blockages which can later manifest physically through illness and injury.

Only at this point of recognition do we become able to shift our awareness and start a process of transformation and changes for the better.

The Seiheiki is the symbol to use to cleanse these blockages in our own or others` chakras. Meditate on SHK to help clear your personal inner blocks.

Symbol 3. The Distance Healing Symbol 
(Hon – Shaw – Ze – Show – Nen )

`Symbol 3 is used to send Reiki at a distance - be it to people or other animals, places, events, situations; or even across the 'great illusion' that is time itself. With the aid of this symbol, Reiki can be 'sent' to interact beneficially with issues or situations long since past, or alternatively, ones not yet manifested. Some practitioners utilise the symbol when they need to 'connect' (metaphorically speaking) with people. The distant symbol may also be used as a means of assisting interaction with, deity, spirits of place, or ancestral spirits (or as some prefer to phrase it: ancestral-energy patterns)It can also be seen as representing a 'Oneness' as in meditation.

Distance is no barrier to Reiki, HonSha Ze Sho Nen it translates as; `Having no present, past or future,` is essentially used for absentee healing and to send Reiki energy across time and space.

Sending Reiki in the form of the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to the past helps heal `old wounds` that may be affecting you in the present. It will not change the events as past things cannot be changed, but sending Reiki to the past helps reframe the experience as part of learning process and it helps heal the pain and hopefully enables a person to move on with their life.

Using the distance healing symbol for the future helps in storing the Reiki energy like a battery which can then be accessed at a time when you require it. Sending Reiki ahead of time for doctor`s appointments, interviews, examinations, workshops, or travelling will help you adjust to the unforeseen circumstances of the future and keep an open and optimistic mindset.

The Reiki distance healing symbol`s primary use however is to send healing energy across a room, a town, to different parts of your country or just anywhere in the world and to help heal people who are not present. Therefore it is also known as the `absent healing` symbol.

HSZSN is considered one of the most powerful and helpful symbols by most Reiki practitioners. However, when using this symbol it is important to understand that the energies used in long distance healing work more effectively on the subtle body of an individual like the aura or the chakras rather than working directly on a person`s physical body

Be aware that sending Reiki energy for a particular problem such as headaches or backaches does limit the energy to a certain extent. The recommended practice is to send Reiki to an individual as a whole as this allows the energy to reach the part of the body where it is required the most i.e. the headache could just be a symptom and not the origin of something more complex and longstanding.

Periodically empowering the long distance healing on a day-to-day basis plays a vital role in helping the energies work effectively in a successful manner. However, it should be noted that Reiki cannot be used to change an individual or his behaviour or even make him or her well. The wisdom of Reiki understands what is best for the individual, and the energies act accordingly for the best possible outcome. A Reiki practitioner has to trust and have faith in the energy

There are many ways to send Reiki, and different Masters might use different techniques. A lot of practitioners learn one technique which they then tweak and personalise it to suit their style. The steps below describe one technique which many people find effective;

Activate the power symbol CHK, write the name of the recipient or the situation to whom one is sending energy to on a piece of paper and hold the paper in between your hands. Draw the symbol HSZSN in the air above the paper and repeat its name three times. Repeat the name of the recipient or the situation. Draw the CHK symbol. Allow Reiki to flow to the recipient for the greatest and highest good. Finish the Reiki session by either clapping yourhands or shaking them vigorously in order to cut the connection.

An alternative way of distant healing is to either use their photograph or use a proxy (a soft toy or any object) instead of writing their name on a piece of paper.

One of the greatest benefits of receiving Reiki energy through HSZSN is the fact that it allows you to receive positive energy just anywhere and everywhere in a quick and easy manner.

Distance healing treatment also proves to be a perfect tool for all those people who find it uncomfortable to receive hands on Reiki treatment. HSZSN can be used regularly to help keep your mind, body and spirit in harmony. However, it is important to remember that one of the most significant things in distant healing is the intention of the Reiki practitioner. Thus, formulating the intentions carefully and using the Reiki distance healing symbol to transmit energies only for the highest good, whatever that is whether it is known to us or not, can go long way in producing positive results`.

The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - although this is a more difficult symbol to draw, again intent and focus can make up for any mistakes. Just imagining it in shining gold or as a white light will help convey its power. Remember to use your middle fingers on your dominant hand and repeat its name three times after you have invoked it. I find it helps to rotate your hand three times clockwise as you do this.

This symbol is a powerful symbol and best used for anyone or anything that is in need of healing.

Because HSZSN will heal across time and space it is particularly useful to send to past situations which are unresolved or those that have left you struggling to overcome a negative vibration. Honshazeshonen is also a good jumon to chant meditatively.

Send, draw or think it to whatever or whoever needs it. Remember though that one has to trust to the `higher forces` that what occurs is the `right action` i.e. the right thing for that person or situation and this may not be necessarily what you want or think it should be. As always we are merely a channel to convey a focused healing energy.

Japanese Healing & Meditation Techniques

Enkaku Chiryo ~enkaku, sending/distant, chiryo, treatment
It is said that Usui used photographs of people for distant healing. On the back of the pictures he used to write the name of the person and their date of birth if he knew it. He also wrote the profession, however if he didn't know these details he wrote as much as he could about that person i.e. their address, the relationship to the one who wanted the healing to be done.

Koki yu ho ~ koki, exhale air, ho, method  
This is how to send Reiki by using one`s breath. Breathe in Reiki through your crown chakra; Draw, in your mind, the CHK symbol and either draw with your tongue or see it in your mind and put it under the roof of your mouth, say its mantra three times; Breathe out and blow Reiki on the client's body part which you want to treat, visualizing the symbol and its energy going to that part.
[This is sometimes used in part of the Reiju - attunement process]

Gyoshi ho ~ gyoshi, gazing, ho, method

This is a method in which Reiki can be transferred through one`s eyes, through one`s gaze. Bring your visual attention to the area in need of treatment and allow your vision to relax, to de-focus slightly. You are not staring at the area rather your gaze is soft and comforting. Generate heart-felt compassion for your client. In this state, become aware of Reiki flowing from your eyes to the area in need of treatment. Feel the Reiki flow see it in your mind's eye, at the same time feel compassion flowing from your heart.

Reiki is all about focus and that is more easily achieved by a `quiet mind`. Practising meditation is a way to achieve this. Following - is a recognised method to help strengthen the Reiki energy.

A Reiki Meditation

Hatsurei Ho ~ Hatsu , to bring forth, Rei, spirit, Ho, method. 
Is a Reiki meditation technique - one of the fundamentals of Reiki. It helps to connect with one`s self spiritually, or to one`s soul.

The Hatsurei method plays an important part in the Reiki practice. It`s a meditation technique, but it stands out as different from other techniques through the gestures made and words spoken.

Below are the steps, or stages, to perform this method. It can be practised either individually or in a group. When practised in a group, it is called Shuyo ho.

Hatsurei Ho consists of several stages each helps in clearing and opening the energy levels in the process.

Seat yourself in a sieza position or sit up straight in a still yet comfortable position and place your hands palm down on your thighs or in your lap. Close your eyes and concentrate on your core or centre of your body - hara (between your abdomen and pubic bone).

You are now ready to focus your intent to meditate;

Mokunen ~ which means focusing, requires the individuals complete focused state and then the silent declaration of your intent:; `I will now begin Hatsurei Ho.`

Kenyoku ~ dry bathing. In this process, any negative energies in the aura are brushed off either by an actual physical touch or just superficially. In this procedure, you basically attempt to `disconnect` yourself from every being, emotion, thoughts, and energy – preparing to enter the meditation state. Start by relaxing your breathing by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Place your right hand on your left shoulder, your finger touching the joint between the end of your collar bone and shoulder. 

With palm faced towards the body; while exhaling, smooth your hand down diagonally across your chest to your right hip. Repeat this procedure with your left hand placed on your right shoulder; fingers touching the joint between the end of the collar bone and shoulder. Palm facing your body, exhale while brushing down diagonally across your chest to your left hip. 
Repeat twice in same order. Now stretch your left hand forward in front of you and place your right hand fingertips on the edge of your left shoulder. With the palm flattened, move your right hand down along the side of your left arm while exhaling. Repeat this process with your right arm, completing the cycle three times.

Connect to Reiki ~

Move your hands up above your head, aligned with your shoulders with your palms facing upwards and fingers pointing towards each other. With your mind clear, now feel the Reiki energy or white aura flowing down from above through your arms and into your body, centre it in your hara. Once you sense the Reiki energy, slowly lower your hands. 

Joshin Kokkyu Ho ~ is a procedure of purifying the soul through a breathing process. Place your hands, palm up on your lap breathe slowly through your nose while focusing on your `seika tanden`, hara or core, just below your belly button. With natural breathing, feel the white lighted Reiki energy flow from above, through your crown chakra and into your centre. Slowly feel the energy spread in your entire body, dissolving all negativity and unlimitedly expanding around you and out into infinity.

Gassho ~ meaning, praying hands.When you are ready, position your hands in gassho. Concentrate on the connection of your middle fingers and hold yourself in this position. Empty your mind of all else.

Seishin Toitsu ~ concentration meditation.
Still in the gassho position with mind and soul gathered, breathe in white Reiki energy passing through your hands to your tanden. When you breathe out, imagine the energy flow out from your core and through your hands. (This is the stage where the Reiju is given to students by teachers).

Gokai Sansho ~ the Precepts, the Five Principles That are to be spoken out loud and repeated three times;

Kyo dake wa  - `Just for today ;
Okoru na  - I will not be angry,
Shinpai suna  - I will not worry,
Kansha shite  - I will give thanks for my Blessings,
Gyo o hage me  - I will do my work honestly,
Hito ni shinsetsu ni  - I will be kind to every living thing.`

Mokunen ~ focusing. Bring your hands back to your lap, palm faced down and say, `I conclude Hatsurei Ho`.


    [Courtesy of]

The importance of connecting, engaging with the universe in a meditative state, cannot be emphasized enough.    

Meditation, which can be done in any way that is comfortable (not necessarily in the way previously described) is about learning to be consciously present in the `Now Moment` and the present, the `now` is only achieved when we consciously stop our constant day-to-day thoughts in order to quiet our mind. The best way to achieve this is to metaphorically sweep or clear the thoughts out of the `meditation room` - your mind - whenever they intrude, repeating the process as necessary.

People often ask how to meditate and methods of course vary, but the main aim is to create a mental space where one focuses on this space yet you do your best not to think of anything! However, imagining yourself on a journey, maybe to a sacred place or to a beautiful calm and peaceful landscape can often help discipline our minds.

A particular meditation technique I once used was to imagine I had a large old key. I would envisage arriving at an outside locked wooden door in the middle of long, tall wall, I would spend a moment seeing the detail of the ancient planks then I would turn the key in the lock, open the door and I would step into an imagined walled garden; I would conjure up the type of beds, the shrubs and flowers. Every day I would repeat the process and extend the vision so my focus was taken up entirely with seeing what I had imagined. Day by day the garden literally grew.

I finally manifested a beautiful lake and a tea house where one day an archetypal wise, white-bearded Chinese man met me there even though I hadn`t consciously created him! He conveyed to me various spiritual truths, but I regret to say at that time in my life I didn`t continue this level of meditation and focus.

Meditation doesn`t have to be done in a certain way or in a quiet place as one can be meditative doing something as simple as washing up, although the key in such a situation is to just wash up, in other words to not think of anything else.

Again it is about being present in the now moment. Learning to meditate is not easy yet with persistence and regular practice, preferably at the same time, one gets into the habit and it not only gets easier but more rewarding too.

Making meditation a regular `habit` by establishing a routine will in turn improve your ability to focus and increase your inner awareness. Raising one`s vibration is how we become a clearer and more powerful vessel through which to channel the Reiki energy. 

 To live more spiritually also requires trust and faith in the concept of some kind of Higher Force, `fate`, God. And also in that which Carl Jung called synchronicity. This is a word he used to describe various events that will appear to be random but are in fact meaningful when one is aware and inwardly seeing and outwardly observing of one`s own personal process.

We all have a destiny, a metaphorical path that we are perhaps meant or fated to tread, but we also have freewill which enables us to ignore synchronistic signposts that come to show us the way. By allowing `fate` to show us the way, rather than trying to control outside forces it can help to guide us along our `right` road, the `right` road is one where we meet situations and people who help to show us the lessons that we need to learn in this lifetime in order to re balance and realign ourselves with the Universal energies.

Learning Reiki can be part of this path – in fact any discipline that heightens one`s awareness is beneficial to help focus on this inner process. It is also important that when one is living with Reiki and healing with Reiki that we should recognise that there is a `bigger picture` part of `God`s plan` if you like! A plan that we individuals are not privy to, instead we have to learn to have faith and trust that Right action will prevail, all we can do is do what we believe is `right` at the time.

Though it is also not to be taken as an excuse not to do anything either, strengthening our inner resolve i.e. asking for personal guidance to tread the right path in order to make the right decisions and to have focus and intent that we may do the right thing.

All this inner work helps manifest the right path without. And most importantly we must remember thought always creates and manifests its action…so beware negative thinking!

One cannot or shouldn`t heal with Reiki without having gained some spiritual awareness of some sort of higher connection, a focus. Not only do we as a clearer and uncluttered channel help to bring the energy through, but we have to develop empathy and acceptance of the patient`s personal destiny too. Meditation is a gateway through which to take a step back in order to find the right way forward. By creating an inner space where one can communicate with inner energies we can start to trust and take our first steps into the unknown.


Whilst the recognized Reiki hand positions stay the same in Reiki 2 as in Reiki 1, we now have the added benefit of the symbols too.

Whether you are doing a full Reiki healing using the full set of hand positions with the patient lying down or doing the more traditional or short form of healing with the patient sitting, you can add and start with CHK over the head, and finish, seal the treatment with a large CHK over their back.

The CHK always helps to enhance the power of the other two symbols, Use the SHK and HSZSN if and where and when it feels appropriate to do so.

If the healing is more to do with emotional issues use the SHK more; If it is more about long-standing illness make use of the HSZSN. In fact using all three at any point can only benefit the receiver!

Before you start the healing session, remember to use the CHK symbol to prepare the room and yourself. Take the time to create a peaceful, uncluttered space and always make sure and check with your client that they are warm and comfortable at all times. If you are healing a patient sitting, it is useful to have them sitting sideways on a chair for a time while you heal their spine for instance. But return them to a more comfortable position as soon as possible.

A non-invasive incense, a fragrant candle or an essential-oil vapouriser can really maximise a healing environment. Relaxing music can also help to create the right atmosphere; there are specific CDs written and composed for using during Reiki and alternative therapy sessions. Other therapies can be and are often used alongside Reiki, many practitioners become qualified in other disicplines however it can be equally enjoyable to have a peaceful Reiki-only session.

Reiki 2 certificate holders are able to set up their own practice. Appropriate insurance and guidelines to starting your own practice are to be found on the internet. Reiki is non-regulated as such so joining an official body may therefore help with credibility. Be aware too that some organisations and other Reiki establishments like to see a body of work consisting of documented case histories. It is recommended that you research these aspects thoroughly before starting out.

Your clients` well-being is paramount and it is important to ensure that they understand that Reiki healing is an alternative and complementary therapy and not a substitute for medical treatment.

If one is not setting up as a professional healer and if there isn`t a designated therapy room, healing can just as easily be done with the patient sitting on a chair. I often do impromptu healings in this way.

I start by `tuning in` to the healee by putting my hands lightly on their shoulders, this establishes a connection. It also gives me the time to ask for higher assistance and to `plug in` to the universal Reiki energy to ask it to flow.

I then move my hands, one to the top by their neck and one towards the bottom of their spine. I usually do this a few inches off their physical body as I find my hands are more sensitive working in the `auric field`.

I am always amazed as when I do work `off` the body my hands can often sense either coolness or heat yet when I put my hands onto the physical body they can become extremely warm or cold! However tingling, buzzing other sensations can occur. After healing at the spine I will then often heal the main chakras using a hand in front and a hand behind.

I find that my two hands often work together almost like a positive and negative charge and at times I shape them to direct the flow in either a wide fashion or in a more concentrated focused way like a beam of energy being directed to a specific spot.

When I first started healing I often felt the pain the person was suffering, which although uncomfortable it enabled me to know where to direct the healing to. Later on as I gained more experience I was able to see the parts of the body which required the energy with my eyes closed.

As I became more experienced and perhaps trusted it more, those `symptoms` disappeared and I find I feel for where the `magnetic pull` or where it feels hot, cold or tingly and that`s where I keep my hands until the sensations lessen.

The Higher Heart – Thymus position is often represented as a Turquoise colour. Midway between the Throat, blue and Heart, green.

Having been a healer before Reiki came to the west I realise I heal more using the Byosen method which is `scanning` the body with the hands to feel the area most in need. However, having said that whilst standing behind a client healing the shoulders initially and then using my hands one on the top and one on the bottom of the spine, the healing energy went straight to the patient`s injured knee! This just reinforces that the Reiki energy will go to where it`s required.

Healing via the chakras can reach specific organs and areas. Two people or more can sometimes have a more powerful effect. Dr Hayashi, Usui`s successor, ran his own Reiki school in Japan and his patients were often treated by several healers at once.

While Reiki is a healing energy that just `is` and just `does` its thing, understanding more about the mental and emotional issues we have in our lives and how they can impact on our physical body can certainly help too.

As has been mentioned, Louise Hay`s book `You can Heal Your Life` is a valuable tool with which to gain a deeper understanding of how our bodies unconsciously react to our repressed subconscious thoughts and emotions. Writing and saying the positive affirmations are key to assist the healing and used with Reiki on inner and outer levels it can only help in bringing about more positive health results.

For example;

ARTHRITIS: Feeling unloved, criticism, resentment, bitterness.                                     
Affirmation: I know that life always supports

-UPPER : Lack of emotional support, or feeling unloved.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.
-MIDDLE : Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there or Get off my back.
Affirmation: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.
-LOWER: Financial woes and concerns. Fear of money. Lack of financial support.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. All I need is taken care of. I am safe.

CANCER: What's eating at you? Deep hurt, secret or grief. Long-standing resentment.
Affirmation: I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.

DEPRESSION: Anger, hopelessness.
Affirmation: I now go beyond other people`s fears and limitations. I create my own life.

DIABETES: Longing for what might have been. No sweetness left in life.
Affirmation: This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

HEART PROBLEMS: Lack of joy, dealing with issues from anger, not love
Affirmation: My heart beats to the rhythm of love

HIGH (Hypertension): Longstanding emotional problems not solved.
Affirmation: I joyously release the past. I am at peace.

HIP PROBLEMS: Fear of going forward in major decisions.
Affirmation: I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.

PAIN: Self punishment, feeling emotional guilt.
Affirmation: I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.

 by Haripriya Suraj, R.M

A Reiki ball, also known as an energy ball, can be a useful healing tool. It is a `chunk` of Reiki brought together in the form of a ball. It is a tool that can keep Reiki flowing to people or situations.

To make a Reiki ball rub your palms for a few seconds until you experience sensations of warmth. Curve your palms slightly so it resembles a flower bud.
Begin to move your palms apart until you feel strong sensations of heat or a kind of magnetic force between them, then move your palms up and down in a circular motion. Feel or visualise a ball of energy between them.

If you are attuned to symbols, infuse the ball with the symbols of your choice. Visualise the symbols in the ball and it will be done. As you practise, you will be able to sense the ball in your hands.

If you work with affirmations for healing, place a Reiki ball over the affirmation or page that has your writing on it. A Reiki Intentions Box is literally a box where you can put yours or others written requests for help in. Whenever you work with your Reiki box, place a ball of Reiki in it. This will keep your intentions continuously charged with Reiki. If your Reiki box is in your phone, push the ball into the Reiki Box App.

When there is a need for physical healing, push a ball of Reiki into the affected body part. In the case of internal organs, push the ball into the body, just over the location of the organ. Intend that the ball goes into the affected organ and heals it.

If you wish to send your love to someone, program a Reiki ball with the intention of sending love and toss it into the air. Pink being the colour of love, you can also visualise pink light inside the ball. Intend that the ball goes to the person and makes him or her feel loved. This practice can bring in more love and harmony to all relationships. Whenever you are in emotional pain, program a Reiki ball with the mental-emotional symbol (and Master Symbol if you`ve done third degree). Throw in some pink light and push it into your heart chakra. Intend that it brings you comfort and peace.

Program a Reiki ball with the Power Symbol (and Master Symbol if you`ve done third degree). Intend that it stays with any object, place or person that needs protection. Place it over your house, over babies and children and over your belongings. You could send it along with a loved one who is travelling. Place it over your vehicle whenever you travel. Place it over food and water.

Program a ball of Reiki with the CHK and toss it into rooms and other spaces that have accumulated negative energies. To thoroughly cleanse a room, place a ball of Reiki in each corner of the room. Push a ball of Reiki into the walls, the floor, the ceiling, windows, doors, wardrobes etc


Another useful and rewarding way in which to use the energy of the Reiki symbols is to help heal our planet.

The Reiki organisation has physically placed a purpose- made Reiki grid of energy at both the north and south poles!

To send healing to the planet, either` see` the planet as if from space in your mind`s eye; imagine the healing rays going to it, or hold an actual globe in your hands. Imagine and see healing thoughts being sent from your heart centre. If a particular place or country seems in need just focus on that or hold your hands over a map, draw a Reiki symbol, whichever feels easiest.

`The term "sacred geometry" is used by archaeologists, anthropologists and geometricians to encompass the religious, philosophical and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around geometry in various cultures during the course of human history.

Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.

At the very earliest appearance of human civilization we observe the presence and importance of geometry. It is clearly evident that geometry was comprehended and utilized by the ancient Master Builders, who, labouring at the dawn of civilization some four and one half millennia ago, bestowed upon the world such masterworks as the megalithic structures of ancient Europe, the Pyramids and temples of Pharaonic Egypt and the stepped Ziggurats of Sumeria. That geometry continued to be employed throughout the centuries from those earliest times until times historically recent is also clearly evident.` 

The earth can be described as a sentient living being. Similar to the eastern belief of meridians and acupressure points in and on our bodies, it could be said that sacred places have been built on the earth consciously, using the energy lines – leys, at specific energetic locations. Combine these placings with the use of precise geometric shapes, dimensions and particular stones and it is not surprising that these unique constructions emanate a measurable energy. Being built in this `sacred` way is said to enhance and magnify the energetic frequencies, not only of each place itself but it is thought that each unique location affects the `health` of others as if all of them are part of a communicating network or grid system.

Being sensitive to these electromagnetic vibrations can lead us on a fascinating inner and outer journey of discovery where we can begin to interact and engage with our planet, with particular places and maybe we can help to heal or at least increase local and possibly world-wide well-being.       Check out;

`Think of a human being as a connecting rod. We are Mother Earth's acupuncture needles. Divine energy flows through us to the Earth, and from the Earth to the Spiritual realm. If placed in the right spots, we - the acupuncture needles - can help heal our planet by agitating the ley lines and enabling the flow of energy through blocked passages. It's kind of like clearing the blocked arteries to allow normal blood circulation and prevent heart attacks.`                                                                                                                                      - Bob Altzar Djurdjevic


 Meditate on light filling your Self. Then in your mind's eye, travel, seeing:
Light filling your room
Filling your neighbourhood
Light in your community
Then your country
Then your continent and soon the globe
Going up, see the beautiful earth.
The moon
The brilliant sun
Light through the moon and earth
Surrounded and suffused with peace and love and light

Rest radiant in this global love and light

Then come back down slowly
Light and love in the sky
Light over and through your continent
Your community
Your room
Light in your self

Know that peace and love surround and fill the earth and all its beings All are one in love and light

While Reiki 1 is an introduction to learning about the existence of this energy, Reiki 2 takes the universal healing energy to a more focused level but hopes to encourage deeper thinking about our self and our place and purpose in the universe.

Reiki, the name the Usui gave this energy has always existed. Usui was on a personal spiritual journey when he `discovered` this energy. Yet he has always urged that contemplation and the practice of meditation are the most important aspects of the Reiki energy and that the healing aspect of Reiki was in fact in his view secondary to this.

Before Reiki there was faith or spiritual healing, `the laying on of hands`. Before that there was probably just a natural compassionate healing response to someone in pain. There is no doubt that a `super` natural energy exists at some level which can be channeled for healing purposes. But one also has to be aware that sometimes repressed subconscious emotions can block this process completely. If this is the case then the energy can fail to have any effect. Reiki can work both on the physical and inner mental processes. Sometimes there are miraculous cures but more often it assists in improving a person`s condition in a more holistic subtle way which does help to negate one`s ego from getting too big! 

Whilst the symbols play an important part in Reiki 2 always remember that they are aids to carry your intent to your intended focus. The human mind is a powerful tool which the majority of us certainly do not use to its full potential!

To Recap: 

Front Healing Positions for Full Reiki Treatment
 Back healing positions for Full Reiki Treatment
Seated healing positions for a Shorter Reiki Treatment (or if is easier for the patient)

JIKIDEN Reiki is seen as a more simple form of this healing art. Considered more in keeping with the original Japanese form rather than the Western methods with their 'add ons' and set routines.

JIKIDEN promotes the BYOSEN method as previously mentioned, which is to find the area of the body that requires healing through a more intuitive process, by 'feel' or perhaps light touch thereby removing the need to follow a set pattern of hand positions. ( I personally find this is more akin to spiritual, the laying on of hands, 'faith' healing, in other words a more instinctive approach).

The embodiment of the Reiki energy, use in all ways to initiate the energy. It enhances the other symbols. Cleanses and protects.

For all emotional issues. To help break bad habits and patterns, to re establish more positive ones.

For all healing situations; past present and future, whether physical or distant.




`The Secret of Inviting Happiness through Many Blessings, the Spiritual Medicine for All Illness

Do gasshô every Morning and Evening

Keep in your Mind and Recite

For Today Only;
Do not Anger
Do not Worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others`

Usui Reiki Ryôhô Improves your Mind and Body

The Founder
Usui Mikao